UV water purification against algae in ponds has no effect

Many of our customers (e.g. with koi fish) combine the UVC pond lamps with algae-free devices, since the UVC lamp alone does not guarantee clear water and often only has an insufficient effect against thread algae.

UV Lamp in housing

In a freshly filled pond there are automatically plenty of nutrients at the beginning. Since the algae do not yet have enough competition in the fight for fertilizer from newly planted plants, they multiply explosively. A UVC lamp can destroy floating algae, but not filamentous algae.

If the dead and decomposing algae are not removed from the pond, they decompose within minutes and the nutrients bound in them remain in the pond, where they serve as food for the next generation of algae. There is competition within the algae, namely between floating and filamentous algae. When the floating algae are no longer present, the filamentous algae multiply at the expense of the floating algae. The particularly stubborn thread algae can be killed with the help of the G-Sonic algae-free device , which also combats green and floating algae.

With an UV lamp ultraviolet light is used to destroy and eliminate microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and microorganisms in ponds. The pond water passes the UV light where UVA and UVB rays destroy the important micro life inhabitants in pond and pool waters.

Functionality of the click tones against algae

The G-Sonic algae control device generates acoustic click tones and sends these signals to the click generator. The click generator is the loudspeaker under water, which emits the click tones as a complex sound wave pattern under water.

High-precision acoustic click tones as a natural algae remover
High-precision acoustic click tones as a natural algae remover

The clicks act on the vacuole of the algae, a microscopically small bubble, a cavity in the middle of the algae cell that refracts the light. The vacuole resonates until the membrane filled with cell sap cracks.

Green algae – Chlorophyta, Chlamydomonas, Spirogyra, Cladophora, Hydrodictyon, Volvox

Effect of high-precision click tones on green algae: The click tones damage the vacuole, till they tear and the algae dies naturally.
  • Existing green algae usually die within 2-3 weeks, depending on the type of algae; in the case of thread algae, this process can take up to 6-8 weeks.

Blue-green algae – Cyanobacteria

Effect of high-precision click tones on blue-green algae, bacteria. The click tones damage the gas vacuole, till they tear and the algae dies naturally.
  • Existing blue-green algae usually die within 1-3 weeks, depending on the type of algae.

With the click tones, all native algae species, such as green algae, thread algae, slime algae, brown algae, brush algae, beard algae and blue-green algae die due to natural stress.

Due to the methane gas present in the thread algae, the dead algae rise to the water surface where they can be sheared off. The dead thread algae can now be easily removed and the result is quickly visible. In a rain shower, the methane gas reacts and the dead algae sink to the bottom of the pond. All other algae species decompose into tiny particles of 1-2 microns and sink to the bottom.

The permanent use also prevents the formation of new algae.

Studies and experiments have shown that neither flora nor fauna are affected by the algae eliminator. The click tones are completely harmless to humans and animals, including fish. The desired aquatic plants thrive much better and the water becomes clearer.

Click tones and biofilm

The biofilm, algae film, mucus layer, coating, growth, mouldy skin or sewage skin is a thin mucus layer that is often found at the edges and at the bottom of ponds. Many microorganisms (e.g. bacteria, algae, fungi, protozoa) are stored in the biofilm. Due to the nutrients present in the biofilm or mucous layer, algae can multiply very strongly.

With the help of click sounds the biofilm is reduced by 50-75% as the algae growing on the biofilm do not exist anymore.

At the same time, by reducing the slimy layer pathogens and other bacteria have a much lower chance of survival, which makes the G-Sonic device ideal for swimming ponds.

Click tones and environment

The algae eliminators are environmentally friendly and free of chemicals. The sounds emitted by the device are not audible to humans and do not harm animals, fish or plants. This was confirmed by different universities (among other things university Gent) after long and detailed experiments at ponds (applies also to swimming ponds) and aquariums. Click sounds are produced in nature by many animal species, such as bats, dolphins and whales. Under water, humans hear the click sounds depending on their hearing ability.

Click sound propagation

Click sound propagation
Click generator sound propagation

The click tones are emitted by the click generator over a radius of 180°. The range depends on the model of G-Sonic algae free device. Placed at a favourable location at the edge of the water, the units can radiate sound to a semicircle with a radius of up to 150 metres, depending on the type, thus treating a water surface of up to 300 metres around the unit.

Position of the click generator

The click generator is placed in a favourable position at the edge of the water body in order to sound as large an area of water as possible. If you have a second external pond, it must also be equipped with an algae eliminator. The circuit must be closed, otherwise fresh algae will be added externally and the water object will be constantly “infected” with new algae.

Click sound propagation under the water surface.
Left: optimal position / Right: schadow zones

Click tones and safety

Security is a major concern. All algae free devices have galvanic separations with additional fine fuses. Only one loudspeaker signal is sent to the click generator, with the G-Sonic swimming pond (S) models max. 24 Volt. All algae free devices are CE compliant.

G-Sonic Algae Terminators

The Algae-free Package for Guaranteed Clear Water

The pond should be kept several times. cleaned annually in order to remove the bundled nutrients, i.e. the Impurities such as dead algae, leaves and sludge, from from the water. This is made possible, for example, by a Professional pond sludge suction cleaner. The pond cleaning also includes the filtered water recirculation with a fine filter. So the pond cleaned in all respects.

1. Elimination of algae in an environmentally friendly way with the G-Sonic click system

Click for click is done with high-precision Tone in a gentle and environmentally friendly way the algae under the I’m under a lot of stress. Chemicals are therefore unnecessary. Through successive clicking tones of very high frequency the Vacuole, the core of the single-celled organism, set in permanent vibration and the algae dies. The G-Sonic suppresses algae formation all year round.

2.  The algae-free pond vacuum cleaner

The algae-free pond sludge vacuum cleaner with 8000 l/h extraction capacity is suitable for every application in the pond. suitable. The pond sludge vacuum cleaner for garden ponds offers a high suction power and can remove sediments from up to 2.5 m Deep suction. soil sediments are formed by dead plants and algae and settle at the bottom of the pond. These nutrients must regularly removed from the pond.

3.  Filtered water recirculation

In order to obtain sustainable clear water, the water should be filtered and recycled. The algae fine filter mesh bag, bow sieve filter or drum filter mechanically filters the water return. The extracted water is led through a filter back into the pond.

The following products are suitable depending on the size of the pond:

  • Biotopes and small ponds: Fine filter bag for water recirculation 100 micron
  • Ponds from 50m3: Fine mesh filter set 300 micron
  • Ponds from 100m3: Drum filter 50 micron with optional fine filtration 20 micron

The filtered water recirculation retains nutrient-rich particles and thus interrupts the algae vicious circle in the pond. With this algae free set you get the algae problem simply under control.

Clickton Technology in Industry

Cooling basin industry

Our practical experience with “Low Power Algae Cleaner with 8-22 Watt” in ponds shows that floating algae die within a few days (maximum 1 week), green algae within a few weeks (maximum 1 month). In addition, bacteria and Escherichia coli (E. coli) are reduced or eliminated.

High power ultrasonic devices over 1000 watts are used in the food industry, automation and environmental technology. The disintegration of organic cells takes place within seconds and kills all living beings immediately.

Water Cooling Towers

In industrial production it requires cooling water for a whole range of processes. The water for the cooling system is mainly used for tap water or well water and algae are automatically introduced into the cooling system.

Cooling towers usually show algae growth and the algae attack the concrete. Due to the dying process of the algae they shrink and damage the concrete surfaces, due to the intensive adhesion of the algae.

In cooling towers, vast amounts of biocides are often used to reduce or control the formation of algae. The costs for the chemicals together with the manual cleaning of the algae removal (mostly by hand with the high pressure cleaner) contribute to a not inconsiderable cost share.

water cooling towers - algae formation in the water basins
Water cooling towers – algae formation in the water basins
Click generator in the water basin against algae instead of chemicals
Click generator in the water basin against algae instead of chemicals


In biotechnology, click tones are used in the manipulation and separation of biological cells for the targeted disintegration of their contents. In the field of disinfection, for example, the click-tone method can be used as an environmentally friendly substitute for chlorinated solvents and disinfectants. With click tones, disinfection can be achieved by dissolving bacterial accumulations and reducing the bactericide level.

Water treatment

Another application in the field of environmental technology is the use of click tones in drinking water treatment, whereby the click tones support conventional processes such as UV irradiation and ozone treatment. Click tones are also used when it comes to keeping waters free of algae or other biological cultures. It is an extremely environmentally friendly process because it does not require any chemical additives.

Other applications

  • The algae concentration in industrial Reduce cooling circuits
  • Eliminate bacteria, pathogenic germs in open cooling basins
  • Biofilm to reduce algae film in cooling water basin, e.g. illuminant manufacturer
In ceramic housing production, the housings are cooled with pure water after die casting in the cooling basin. The G-Sonic 10 prevents the formation of algae and the biofilm in the water basin.

Algae-free controllers for industry

Pond Consulting and Analysis

Algae-free offers a free consultation and analysis to find the optimal position of the algae control device in the water object. The intelligent technology can be used for large aquariums, biotopes, ponds, natural pools, swimming ponds, bathing lakes, water reservoirs, yachts, boats, ships – wherever there is standing water.

The free consultation can be requested as soon as the criteria according to the G-Sonic checklist are fulfilled.

To enable our experts to make the optimum assessment for the water object, please send us the complete characteristic data using the form below.

Overview of the required characteristic data

  • Your country & postcode, so that we can store your data. Address and telephone number for queries.
  • Photographs (a complete photo and detailed photos of the problem zones) * Mass of the water object: length, width, depth (for objects with different depths, a cross-sectional sketch is required) *
  • Water values (mandatory for koi and fish ponds): phosphates (PO4), total hardness (GH), carbon hardness (KH), nitrite (NO2), nitrate (NO3-), pH value (PH). Water test sets: 6in1, phosphate test for multiple applications are available in the online water test shop.
  • Filter system and other technical equipment (particularly important for Koi and fish ponds)
  • Obstacles (stones, plants, etc.) / External ponds, biotopes, water inlets (from a stream or stone) must be visible
  • For groundwater or fresh water supply: the quantity in cubic litres per day

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Water Reservoir, Water Tank

Greenhouses, Tree Nurseries, Plant Breeders & Co.

Algae cause major economic damage in water tanks, water reservoirs for greenhouses, tree nurseries and plant breeders. The algae have a negative effect on the water quality, reduce the light irradiation as they colonize glass surfaces, pollute or clog filters.

Water reservoir for plant cultivation, tree nursery

The fight against algae requires a large use of working time and cleaning agents, chemicals of various kinds, which will reduce the productivity of the company and massively increase costs.

The G-Sonic-50 is suitable for algae control in large tanks and pools. The effect sets in quickly. Suspended algae die after two to three days, green algae after about three to four weeks. Once in use, the device does not require any maintenance.

Example tree nursery

With the use of two G-Sonic 10, the water reservoir is free of algae. No new algae are produced and the filters no longer clog. The cleaning effort has been reduced enormously.

G-Sonic float for a 360° click tone propagation in the water tank
G-Sonic 10 electronic controls for outdoor use (IP65)
G-Sonic 10 electronic controls for outdoor use (IP65)

The investment pays off very quickly

  • In the water basin (diameter 20m) were always many algae, which clogged the filters. A cleaning of the water basin had to be carried out several times, which led continuously to a considerable expenditure.
  • The nursery can irrigate the water for deciduous trees, conifers, fruit, berries, roses, hedge plants, avenue trees, ornamental grasses, climbing plants, bog plants, bamboo, ground cover plants, shrubs and Mediterranean plants without clogged filters by algae and the working time is considerably reduced.
  • The glass surfaces become more translucent, air, water and soil quality improve and consequently plant growth increases.
  • Cleaning agents and chemicals are saved or can even be dispensed with.
  • Glass and floors need to be cleaned much less frequently.
  • Nutrient-rich water can be reused, water recycling.

Many plant diseases are caused by germs and bacteria in the water. Dutch and Belgian plant breeders, for example, use chemistry to combat the cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus). In many cases UV disinfection is used, in which the plants are irradiated with ultraviolet lamps (UV). However, the combination of UV and click tones is far more successful than if only UV is used. An example of this is the significantly higher performance of the lower power consumption when UV is supplemented with click tones. The reason for this is the increased monitoring of the water treatment with the effective click tones.

Sonic Antifouling for Powerboat, Sailboat

Motorboat, Ship, Yachts, Catamaran, Trimaran

Ship hulls littered with algae and shells are a great nuisance for every boat owner. Not only is the unattractive appearance annoying, but the ships also suffer long-term damage from the algae. In the beginning the algae and mussels make the materials rough and destroy the paint, after a longer time the hulls even become brittle. The protective coatings often used, on the other hand, are an expensive, labour-intensive and environmentally damaging measure.

Sailing without algae, mussel growth for more speed and fun

The Y-Sonic Antifouling Algae Cleaner reliably prevents the adhesion of algae by means of click tones. Already infested hulls will also be freed sustainably. The effect sets in quickly, after a few weeks the algae die off and can be wiped off.

Suitable for boats, yachts, catamarans made of GRP, steel or aluminium. For catamarans the application per hull should be used. Depending on algae infestation, up to 10% fuel can be saved during engine operation. By installing the antifouling system, the hull speed increases through the water, reducing the resistance in the water.

Hull from motorboat algae-free

Are antifouling paints still necessary?

We always recommend the combination of antifouling with our click system. Nevertheless, we have very good references without antifouling, only with our click system. The ship’s hulls are freed from algae and kept free exclusively by high-precision clicks. The nutrient concentration in the water is decisive. For example, if there is a high level of algae in the water or the gelcoat is of poor quality, antifouling may have to be applied in addition to the click system. The combination of antifouling with the algae eliminator always works better than each individual system.

The installation of the algae collector is simple: the click generator is attached to the inside of the ship’s hull (ideally in the bilge). The click tones are then through the entire fuselage. You do not need a specialist for installation. Once in use, the device does not require any maintenance.

The purchase price of a Y-Sonic 10 / Y-Sonic 20 is refinanced within a very short time and the effective system eliminates the need for expensive antifouling paints.

Thanks to the algae-free hull, the boat glides through the water with little resistance. With the algae remover an antifouling coat is not necessary every year.

Y-Sonic installation

The installation can easily be done by yourself or by your local shipyard. Our Y-Sonic Antifouling installation manual is supplied with the device.

Optimal Installation Position

Antifouling Y-sonic-10
Position of the click generator for a motorboat, sailing yacht up to 10m LWL
Position of the click generator für a motorboat, sailing yacht up to 20m LWL
Position of the click generator for a motorboat, sailing yacht up to 20m LWL

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